16th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive InfoCommunications

8-9 September 2025
Modul University Vienna, Austria

First submission date: 28 March, 2025


Cognitive infocommunications (CogInfoCom) investigates the link between the research areas of infocommunications and cognitive sciences, as well as the various engineering applications which have emerged as the synergic combination of these sciences. The primary goal of CogInfoCom is to provide a systematic view of how cognitive processes can co-evolve with infocommunications devices so that the capabilities of the human brain may not only be extended through these devices, irrespective of geographical distance but may also be blended with the capabilities of any artificially cognitive system. This merging and extension of cognitive capabilities are targeted towards engineering applications in which artificial and/or natural cognitive systems are enabled to work together more effectively. For the collection of CogInfoCom papers please click here.


The conference is open to topic proposals. Please click HERE to submit your proposal.

Artificial cognitive capabilities 
AI Transformation
Machine and deep learning
Human-AI, HCI,HMI,HRI, Human cognitive interfaces
Industry 4.0
Cognitive Aspects of Virtual and Augmented Reality
Future Internet
Embodied and enactive cognitive systems 
Cognitive networks and their intelligent capabilities
Virtual and real avatars
Face and gesture recognition
Human-Computer and Bio-Interfaces
Blockchain Technology

Intelligent Vehicle and Transportation Systems 
Smart city
Digital Education, Digital transformation environment for education
CogInfoCom based learnability
Cognitive Data Visualization
Ergonomics-based aspects of CogInfoCom
Socio-cognitive ICT
Affective Computing
Digital & Cognitive Corporate Reality
Digital & Cognitive Reality


IEEE Hungary Section

IEEE Austrian Section


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Institute of Data Analytics and Information Systems

Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies


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Scientific Partners

Scientific Community Partner