University of Strathclyde Business School and the CIAS at the Corvinus University of Budapest

Integrity of AI Transformations

AI is transforming all areas of our work as well as leisure activities, opting out is not possible anymore. In contrast, integrity is part of ethical considerations, and ethics is one of the oldest intellectual quests of humankind. Ethics is typically considered a particularly human trait, it is part of all our decisions, and affect everything in our societies. Yet, in 2.5 thousand years of studying ethics, we reached little agreement about any ethics topics. Integrity, can be understood both as a “person with integrity” and “integrity of action”, and thus it bridges virtue ethics and rule-based ethics (deontology). Integrity can be conceptualized more easily without heavy philosophical grounding, i.e. practitioners who hesitate taking an ethical stand often feel more comfortable with integrity, similarly to the concept of responsibility. However, responsibility of AI generally and of AI transformation in particular has been studied thoroughly, while integrity has not been studies yet. In this talk I will explore integrity of AI transformations along the dimensions of honesty, rigour, transparency, care and respect, accountability. I argue that integrity is (or is not) in the person. And AI transformations can amplify it.

Dr Viktor Dörfler is a Professor of AI Strategy at the University of Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow, UK, Visiting Professor at the Management Department, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia, and Senior Fellow at the Corvinus Institute of Advanced Studies, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. As a practitioner, he spearheaded the development of AI software, compared various AI solutions, explored the validity of AI, and conducted AI implementations. Meanwhile, his scholarly research has focused on talent, creativity, and the grandmaster-apprentice relationship. He conducted in-depth open-ended interviews with 20 top scientists, including 17 Nobel Laureates, in order to understand the thinking of scientists at the highest level of mastery. Bringing his practitioner and scholarly roots together, Viktor currently focuses on the human side of AI implementations, in order to increase their success through managing the cultural and organizational learning aspects of using AI. Viktor authored three books, including What Every CEO Should Know About AI (Cambridge University Press, 2022), wrote 30+ journal papers, and 100+ conference papers. Viktor has been appointed member of the British Standard Institution’s Artificial Intelligence Committee (BSI ART/001).