University of Debrecen

AI-based research in a multidisciplinary academic environment

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Andras Hajdu received an MSc degree in Mathematics from the University of Debrecen, Hungary, in 1996. He obtained his PhD degree in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2003. He worked as a PostDoc researcher for the Artificial Intelligence Information Analysis Laboratory, Dept. of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki between 2005-2006. Since 2017 he has been a full professor, since 2011 the head of the Department of Data Science and Visualization, and since 2019 the dean of the Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen. He is the leader of the local Data Science and Visualization doctoral program and the founder and director of the Gyorgy Hajos Data Science Students College. He worked as a data scientist for the Hungarian Data Asset Agency between 2019-2022. He serves as an instructor for the Microsoft Learn for Educators program and is a certified NVIDIA instructor and university ambassador. He has co-authored 57 journal papers and 120 conference papers cited more than 3500 times; his H-index is 29. His main interest lies in data science/artificial intelligence, medical image processing, and discrete mathematics.