Track: Digital & Cognitive Corporate Reality
Track Organizers:
Andrea Kő (Corvinus University of Budapest)
Tibor Kovács (Corvinus University of Budapest)
Ildikó Borbásné Szabó (Corvinus University of Budapest)
László Lőrincz (Corvinus University of Budapest)
Digital & Cognitive Corporate Reality (DCR) is a scientific discipline that integrates Corporate Management and Business Science, Internet of Digital & Cognitive Reality and Cognitive Infocommunications leading to a higher conceptual level, adopting a holistic view. DCR includes all corners of co-evolved natural and artificial cognitive capabilities, spanning the entire range of individual and social levels as well as network aspects.
DCR research aims to explore interactions among the areas of digital corporate ecosystems (including processes, infrastructure, digital assets, organizational & human competencies, governance, regulatory and information security), and various approaches in Internet of Digital & Cognitive Reality (including ICT, AI & data science, 2D / 3D digital environments and network science), all within a conceptual framework of hybrid human, organizational and artificial cognitive capabilities. Within these areas, DCR targets the development of both new theoretical frameworks and practical solutions towards applications.
The topics include, but are not limited to:
Cognitive aspects of corporate ecosystems
Cognitive biases in digital corporations
Artificial intelligence, machine/deep learning in corporations
Human behaviour: Analysis and understanding
Hybrid decision support with humans and machines
Intelligent multi-agent solutions
Business analytics, data science, big data
Business processes management and reengineering
Knowledge management, education and training
Personalization and recommender systems
Privacy, trust, interoperability, and security
Risk governance and management
Cognitive Infocommunications
Human-Computer Interactions
Internet of digital & cognitive realities in corporations
Network science in a corporate context
Corporate ecosystems
Regulatory environment of DCR, policies and strategies
Smart manufacturing
Social innovation platforms
Track: Internet of Digital & Cognitive Realities
Track Organizers:
Pál Varga (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
Bíró József (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
Digital Reality (DR) is a high-level integration of virtual reality (including augmented reality, virtual and digital simulations and twins), artificial intelligence and 2D digital environments which creates a highly contextual reality for humans in which previously disparate realms of human experience are brought together. DR encompasses not only industrial applications but also helps increase productivity in all corners of life (both physical and digital), thereby enabling the development of new social entities and structures, such as 3D digital universities, 3D businesses, 3D governance, 3D web-based digital entertainment, 3D collaborative sites and marketplaces. Beyond the concepts of the Internet of Things and Internet of Everything, the Internet of Digital & Cognitive Realities (IoD) already encompasses the networking of the widest range of digital & cognitive entities to be managed, transmitted and harmonized, focusing on a higher level of user accessibility, immersiveness and experience with the help of virtual reality and artificial intelligence. Given the holistic impact of IoD on society at large, papers on the social and legal aspects of IoD
The topics include, but are not limited to:
Virtual, Augmented, Mixed and Digital Realities
Cognitive aspects of Virtual Reality
IoT and IoE
Virtual and Digital Simulation Twins
Artificial Intelligence
3D audio and sonification
3D video and immersive experience
Haptics and tactile modalities
I/O and feedback devices
Future Internet, Next Generation Internet
Track: Linguistic and Behavioural Interaction Analysis in Empathic Systems
Track Organizers:
Anna Esposito (Università Vanvitelli/IIASS, Italy)
Antonietta M. Esposito (Osservatorio Vesuviano, Sezione di Napoli,Italy)
Maria Koutsombogera (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Gennaro Cordasco (Università Vanvitelli/IIASS, Italy),
Mauro Maldonato (Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy)
Carl Vogel (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
This track aims at gathering original works on communication, actions, perception and emotion from experimental and theoretical points of view. The ultimate goal of this research is to provide computational paradigms that may
implement culture-specific, trustful, credible, satisfactory and emotionally coloured human-machine interfaces and artificial agents.
The topics include, but are not limited to:
Cross-cultural processing of social signals
Linguistic and social interactional exchanges
Social Robotics: analysis and applications
Human behaviour: Analysis and understanding
Linguistic sentiment analysis
Changes in sentiment expressions
Cognitive Economy
Group behaviour, group cognition and cultural specificity
Influence of context on perception, memory and decision making
Cognitive systems for multimodal signal analysis
Nonlinear processing of audio-video social signals
Multimodal social signal processing