Virtual Reality & Theory of Art
Session Organizers:
Anna Mária Bólya and Koppány László Csáji (Hungarian Academy of Arts, Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology)
Theory of Art (ThA) is a heterogeneous field of scholarly research on art history, philosophy of art, anthropology of art, sociology of art, education of art, art therapy, aesthetics, etc. ThA has several perspectives and responses to the definition of art and its social impact assessment mechanisms. Creating virtual spaces and consumption of extended reality cannot be eliminated from these scholarly research aspects. A significant turn is currently under process in this discipline (ThA), whereby the Performing Arts (PA), Education of Arts (EA), and Visual Arts (VA), beyond the almost exclusive meaning of static visual products, should be presented as objects of study. Hungarian Academy of Arts, Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology (Institute) has several projects that include research and/or application of virtual reality on PA, EA, and VA. This Special Track adapts reports on research results, research plans and objectives, and visual demonstrations on this topic. The papers will include reflections and reports of the Institute’s projects dealing with virtual spaces. The track also addresses questions that arise in interdisciplinary ThA fields about VR & PA relations, applying virtual reality in the education of art, and a 3D exhibition.
The topics include, but are not limited to:
Cognitive aspects of virtual reality in arts
Virtual reality in dance art and its teaching methods
Artificial intelligence, machine/deep learning in corporations
Human movement: analysis and understanding
Human-machine relation in teaching ballet art
3D intention map in ballet teaching
3D in education and training
Cognitive Infocommunication
Innovation in education
3D dance curriculum
The role of virtual reality in the education of performing and visual arts
Experiences of a 3D exhibition